Who Designed The Lakewood Logo?
Mayor Sinagra has set into motion a Community Development Program that included the “Storefront Renovation Program” with the idea of improving the exterior street image of Lakewood’s commercial roads.
As an Architect….I am asked to be a member of Lakewood’s very first Architectural Review Board….Our focus was to look at rediscovering Lakewood’s “original architecture”….removing overlaid materials from the great building facades….and designing signage solutions in concert with that original architecture.
As I was considering just how to help create this “renaissance moment” for Lakewood……I observed that the “entry signs” were just rectangular white panels with words to announce events (PTA meeting, Jan 6/Food Drive/etc)….there was no actual entry sign.
I wanted the residents and guests to our community to “feel the pride” as they entered our home.
So…..I started sketching out some ideas that would represent both some traditional roots (using a serif type letter) and some letter movement (the word “Lakewood” seeming to drift lazily upon the water) …. a strong “wave” comes in from the left side… then softens to 3 smaller waves as it goes over the word “City”……and finally spills out on the shore of the north coast of “Ohio”.