Students Score In Sifma Foundation Stock Market Game

Congratulations to Seniors Katie Jirousek, Lauren Lange, Alex Adamov and Jacqueline Lyall on finishing 8th out of 293 teams in their region in the Sifma Foundation Stock Market Game! The team participated as part of a classroom assignment for 5th period Economics with Mr. Lewis.

The game gives students $100,000 to invest in the Stock Market over a 10-week period and tracks their progress over that span. Teams of students from all over the state participate. Special thanks to the @LakewoooLakewood Rangers Education Foundation for providing the grant money for students to participate.


Mr. Lewis' students weren't the only stock market game winners. @westshorecareertech students in Business Management 2 attended Junior Achievement's Stock Market Challenge Day at the Federal Reserve last week and the team of Aidan Smith, Chris Mathaios and Brayden McCarthy won third place! The team of Lincoln Krish, Mihai Bogdan-Chindea and Nathan Kopkoas also won an award for investing their entire portfolio in a single asset class.

Congratulations to these young financial strategists!

Volume 21, Issue 2, Posted 11:08 AM, 01.23.2025