President's Page: Welcome Councilmember Angelina Hamilton Steiner

Incoming Councilmember At Large Angelina Hamilton Steiner shakes the hand of Judge Tess Neff after being sworn-in to her new role.

Neighbors, please join me in welcoming our newest Council Member at Large Angelina Hamilton Steiner! 

On Tuesday, January 21st Councilmember Hamilton Steiner was officially sworn-in to serve the remainder of the term recently vacated by now State Representative Tristan Radar. Councilmember Hamilton Steiner was selected from an impressive field of 12 applicants after extensive review and public interviews on January 6th and 13th. She holds a Masters in Public Administration and is a Director and eRA Manager for the Northeast Ohio Medical University. 

Angelina grew up in Lakewood, and has contributed extensively to her hometown as a volunteer, having served and led on a number of boards and commissions including the Charter Review Commission, the Community Health Needs Assessment Steering Committee and the AntiRacism Task Force. Ms. Hamilton Steiner is the co-founder and treasurer of a grassroots organization, the Madison Court Community Coalition (MC3). MC3 was formed in response to an incident of gun violence at Madison Park in 2021. Since then, MC3 has sustained a positive, proactive presence at the park, improving the safety and usability of the park for neighbors and visitors city-wide.

The letters that Council received in support of Councilmember Hamilton Steiner highlighted the depth and breadth of her impact on the City and spoke to Angelina’s strong work ethic and character, commitment to the community, and ability to bring people together to effectuate positive change. Angelina is the mother of two current Lakewood Rangers, and she has also volunteered with the schools and her children’s activities. 

Councilmember Hamilton Steiner’s appointment marks the first time in Lakewood’s history that the legislative body has been majority female. Ms. Hamilton Steiner is also the first person of color to serve on Lakewood City Council. 

Congratulations and welcome to Councilmember Hamilton Steiner!

Please join us for our upcoming Lakewood City Council meetings: 

6:30pm Monday, February 3rd - Committee of the Whole

7:30pm Monday, February 3rd - Regular Meeting of Council

Sign up for our email list to receive agendas for upcoming meetings, livestream meetings or watch past meetings, and learn more about Council on our webpage: 

Sarah Kepple

President Sarah Kepple serves all residents as Lakewood City Councilmember at Large. Reach her at or 216.200.5050. 

Volume 21, Issue 2, Posted 11:08 AM, 01.23.2025