President's Page: Lighting Lakewood Yearlong

Dear Neighbors,

It’s Light Up Lakewood Week! This launch of the holiday season encapsulates the quintessential Lakewood experience, both of a bustling city, with delectable restaurants and enticing shops, and of a small town where you’re sure to run into neighbors at every turn, maybe some volunteering with Lakewood Alive, the lead organizers of this event and of so much good in our community.

I find this magical atmosphere even more inspiring as I reflect on the ways that Lakewood comes together to create it. Walking up on our tree-lined streets, I’ll appreciate our City arborists and citizens of our Tree Advisory & Education Board, and be grateful for the Healthy Lakewood Foundation who recently pledged funds to double the tree-giveaway program for private plantings. 

Reaching Detroit Avenue, safe from errant drivers due to the Public Works vehicles blocking cross streets, and free of debris due to crews working diligently all night, I’ll see families enjoying the activities sponsored by local businesses. I’ll reflect that, typically, 70% of every dollar spent locally stays in the community and be grateful for folks shopping here and for the small businesses who give back by sponsoring events, sports teams, and school fundraisers. As I pop into a shop with a Safe Place Initiative sticker, I’ll appreciate the community focus of our Police who not only initiated this program in Lakewood to assist vulnerable populations, but who are also working hard to keep attendees safe.

There are more examples to name than space in this column of ways that folks in our community are working together everyday to create both long term and short term light in Lakewood. As we watch the fireworks temporarily illuminate downtown, let’s reflect on ways that we can continue to spread light in our community. Whether volunteering with Lakewood Alive to shovel snow for an elderly neighbor, serving on a City advisory board, or shopping locally, we can all be part of maintaining the magic throughout the year.

As always, I invite you to join us for upcoming Council meetings. Sign up for our email list to receive agendas for upcoming meetings, livestream or watch past meetings:

Dec 9th 6:00pmFinance Committee - Budget Hearings

Dec 16th 5:30pm Finance Committee - Budget Hearings

Dec 16th 6:30pm Committee of the Whole - Downtown Development

Dec 16th 7:30pm Regular Meeting of Council- Budget and Downtown Development

Sarah Kepple

President Sarah Kepple serves all residents as Lakewood City Councilmember at Large. Reach her at or 216.200.5050. 

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Volume 20, Issue 24, Posted 11:08 AM, 01.23.2025