2024 Was Filled With Many Successes Toward Modernizing The Lakewood Municipal Court by Judge Tess Neff

I am incredibly proud to share some of the amazing accomplishments that the court achieved this past year. It is challenging at times to meet our set goals, particularly with the significant increase in new case filings. For example, in March 2022, the court processed 503 new cases that month, compared to March 2023 which showed an increase to 599 new cases, and in March 2024, the new case filings jumped to 715. Despite the growing caseload, we are working harder than ever to maintain timely and efficient case flow.

In April 2024, the court launched the newly improved, modernized, and user-friendly court website after a complete overhaul. The website now provides a more mobile friendly outlook, provides more functionality for docket searches and payment of traffic tickets. Also, there is an embedded form for users to directly contact the court. Present day, individuals have better access to court information by computer or their phone if they choose not to visit in person.

May 2024 was full of excitement when the court learned it was awarded the Ohio Supreme Court’s Technology Grant for $150,000! Cumulatively, the court is now the recipient of $575,000 in grant funding within a two-year period. Courts throughout Ohio applied for the coveted technology grant, and Lakewood Court was one of only eight courts selected to receive the maximum $150,000 award. I am grateful to the Ohio Supreme Court for recognizing our essential need to improve technology.

You may recall from a previous article, the court was awarded a grant for $425,000 in January 2022, which was scheduled to close on December 31, 2024. I am pleased that we strategically and wisely utilized the grant funds. Those grant monies allowed the court to purchase necessary equipment for the staff, to improve court operations, which included the cost to have the Cuyahoga County Public Defender office on site daily for indigent defendants, and to help defray the cost of a new case management system to replace the current obsolete system. The Clerk’s Office staff received individual desk scanners, and laptops were purchased for administrative staff. Then in July 2024, the self-service check-in AdGators kiosk was installed in the court lobby. This kiosk was made possible because of the grant award. Individuals that appear for their criminal, traffic, and civil cases, simply check-in at the kiosk upon their arrival; the real time notification is immediately sent to the appropriate staff. The kiosk is extremely efficient. It is a resource for users, and it eliminates staff members taking time from their daily work to conduct the check-in process. 

Throughout the year 2024 the court has continued to reduce the number of physical files being stored at City Hall. In total, we have digitized eight years of civil cases files. Once the files retention is verified the paper file is shredded allowing for more storage space. 2024 was an important year for the court. It set the foundation for a continued path to becoming a modern-day court. Together, we successfully accomplished the goals that we set for the court, and we see first-hand the fruits of our dedicated work in the people we serve daily. Today, Lakewood Municipal Court is a better place to work, a more welcoming and accessible court, and it is becoming increasingly more efficient with every improvement.

I look forward to this year and the unveiling of the new case management system during the first quarter. It will be the icing on the cake because we will have the capability for e-signature, e-filing, texting notices, and much more.

2025 kicks off my fourth year in office. I am hopeful to continue in this capacity for many more years to come. As always, I am honored to be serving as your judge in the Lakewood Municipal Court.

Judge Tess Neff

I am a 36-year Lakewood resident and my husband Richard and I chose to raise our three children in this community. I am honored to be serving my community as the Lakwood Municipal Court Judge.   

Volume 21, Issue 2, Posted 11:08 AM, 01.23.2025