Positive Steps For Single Moms :A Walk At Lakewood Park

Positive Steps for single moms in public housing BEGIN with hope and END with financial independence – the end goal is always getting a job, and earning enough money to move out. There are so many programs that currently address opportunities for child care, job training, transportation, and job placement.

But nobody is providing for the FIRST STEP – giving hope by boosting positivity and confidence.  Scented lotions and personal care items address that First Step.

Studies have shown a strong relationship between scent and positive attitude, self-esteem, and confidence. Think about that boost you get from lighting a scented candle. The scent from a lotion follows you, giving you that boost all day. A reminder that someone loves you and supports you.

Join us as we walk to show support for single moms living in public housing, Saturday, September 28 from 10:00am to noon, at Lakewood Park. Meet at the Picnic Shelter and walk the beautiful trails within Lakewood Park: 1, 2, or 3 miles.

There is no registration fee, instead, you are invited to bring donations of name-brand, scented lotions, soaps, candles, etc. A free will offering will also be collected, to be fully directed to the needs of Single Moms.

Items may also be dropped off at the church, 1549 Rosewood, any Sunday in September between 10am-noon.

Please register at gracepresbyterian@att.net

The Single Moms Walk is supported by Grace Presbyterian Church (a Matthew 25 church) and the Presbytery of the Western Reserve.

Patty Giermann is an Office administrator at Grace Presbyterian Church.

Patty Giermann

Office administrator at Grace Presbyterian Church

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Volume 20, Issue 17, Posted 4:36 PM, 09.04.2024