Lakewood Court Sizzled This Summer With Two Student Interns And A New $150,000 Grant Award!

Zach, Judge Neff, Josh

     Although the summer is winding down and students have resumed classes, the Lakewood Court was incredibly fortunate to benefit from employing two dependable and dedicated summer college students. Both young men live in our wonderful Lakewood community with their families.

     Joshua Ferry wins the trifecta award for committing the past three summers to working at the court. He is not shy about taking on important tasks that are central to court operations. Josh has been a true asset to us all at the court and we miss him already. We wish Josh a successful senior year at Cleveland State University.

     Zachary Simmons joined the court for the first time this summer. Just like a champ, he dove right into some of the not so desirable, yet very significant work necessary for the court. Zach fit right into the Clerk’s Office as if he always was a full-time court employee. Everyone enjoyed Zach’s personality, conversation and work efforts. We wish Zach the very best as he embarks upon his junior year at the Ohio State University.    

     I am beyond pleased to inform the community that Lakewood Municipal Court was once again presented with another top grant award. The Supreme Court of Ohio awarded the court $150,000 from the Technology Grant Fund pursuant to the Ohio Courts Technology Initiative. The grant process was very competitive, and I am grateful the Ohio Supreme Court realized our need.

     The grant money is critical to help defray the high cost of technology enhancements. I thoroughly embrace the opportunity to continue to improve the court’s processes and case management. Technology advancements are necessary to assist Lakewood Court to better serve the people in a secure, efficient, and transparent manner. This is an exciting time for the court as we add to other technological advancements from the past few years. I look forward to continuing my leadership of the court and dedicating myself to continue monitoring where we can improve our service to the community and the court users.

Tess Neff is a 36-year Lakewood resident. She and her husband Richard chose to raise their three children in this community. She is honored to be serving her community as the Lakwood Municipal Court Judge.  

Judge Tess Neff

I am a 36-year Lakewood resident and my husband Richard and I chose to raise our three children in this community. I am honored to be serving my community as the Lakwood Municipal Court Judge.   

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Volume 20, Issue 17, Posted 4:36 PM, 09.04.2024