District Task Force To Look At Elementary Needs

The Lakewood City Schools has convened a 50-person Elementary Planning Task Force to explore what is the optimal use and maintenance of the District's elementary facilities. This group, which is scheduled to meet four times this fall, will provide strategic recommendations to Superintendent Niedzwiecki, focusing on efficiently using our elementary school buildings, especially where excess capacity exists.

The task force's responsibilities include analyzing the financial, educational, and logistical impacts of potential changes to the way our current elementary buildings are used, engaging the community in these decisions, and exploring opportunities to expand early childhood education and community programs. Its goal is to align facility use with the District's mission in a financially responsible and sustainable manner.

This task force is the second such group that is part of a comprehensive examination by the District of all of its facilities that began in spring 2023 with the Facilities Study Task Force. Information on that task force and meeting information and updates regarding the Elementary Planning Task Force can be found on the District's website at www.lakewoodcityschools.org. Community members are encouraged to check back to the page for the latest news, including agendas, meeting summaries and recommendations or decisions made by the task force.

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Volume 20, Issue 17, Posted 4:36 PM, 09.04.2024