League Of Women Voters Mary Warren Impact Scholarship Winner Olivia Diemert's Winning Essay: "Why Is Democracy Important To Preserve?"
Throughout recent years, Americans have experienced a variety of threats to our democracy. The fabric of our country is woven through threads of freedom and justice, and without our democracy, we would simply cease to be. The United States was founded under the idea that we all have individual rights that are worth protecting, and we all have individual voices that are worth hearing. Democracy promotes our individuality, allowing us to have our own say in how the government operates, making it critically important to preserve.
About 75% of Americans (regardless of political party) believe our democracy is in danger. This threat has left Americans spiraling, fearing that their voices may no longer be heard. Our democracy allows us to share our voices, expand on new ideas, and progress forwards into broader horizons. We get to see the changes we want made in our own country by using our own voices. We can directly vote on the future of our nation instead of having to convince higher-ups to consider our ideas. A nation without the freedom of democracy is a nation divided and controlled. Many Americans fear losing our democracy not only because the balance of our country depends upon it, but also because their individuality depends on it as well. Without democracy, we all become worker bees providing for a system that will not provide for us. As long as our democracy is in place, the government will exist to serve the people, as it should be.
When we think of progression, we often think of linear movement. However, democracy expands the idea of progression, allowing us to move in every direction all at once. Every voice can be heard and considered, meaning a multitude of changes that will benefit a multitude of different groups can be made all at the same time. We don’t have to challenge or progress one worldview at a time, we can benefit everyone despite potential disagreements. Without democracy, the ideas within our government become limited. America is a diverse nation, meaning that there are a variety of different identities that need to be represented. It would be impossible to have one leader who could accurately represent every single member of our society, meaning it is up to us to represent ourselves.
The protection and preservation of our democracy is not only vital to our unity as a nation, but also to our individuality. The entire idea of democracy is based upon the freedom of expression and being able to see your desires and ideas implemented into our government systems. The United States has been built upon the idea of “liberty and justice for all,” and these truths can only be upheld if everyone feels heard and represented. America is a melting pot of different cultures and identities, meaning it is vital to protect the individuality of every individual in order to preserve the fabric of our nation. Democracy shines upon our own individuality, making it vital to preserve in order to protect the sanctity of our nation.
Olivia is planning to study digital communications and potentially web design at Kent State University.
Cindy Strebig
Olivia is planning to study digital communications and potentially web design at Kent State University