State of Ohio COVID-19 Update 05.13.2020

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Jim O'Bryan
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Joined: Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:12 pm
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State of Ohio COVID-19 Update 05.13.2020

Postby Jim O'Bryan » Wed May 13, 2020 3:08 pm


State of Ohio

224,378 -
Total Ohio Residents Tested

25,721 - Total Cases, Up 471 cases, 21-Day Average is 553

4,618 - Number of Hospitalizations, Up 79 Cases, 21-Day Average is 83
1,248 - Number of ICU Admissions, Up 16 cases, 21-Day Average is 18

1,483 - Total Deaths, Up 47 Deaths, 21-Day Average is 42

United States
1,420,429 -
Total Cases, ↑ 11,793 (0.84%)
16,373 - Number of ICU Admissions
84,355 - Total Deaths. ↑ 930 (1.11%)
305,723 - People recovered
1,030,351 - Active Cases


Jim O'Bryan
Lakewood Resident

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