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LO_20_20, On The Streets And Online VOTE!

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2024 7:47 am
by Jim O'Bryan

Lakewood Observer, Volume 20, Issue 20

20/20, interesting thought. While the Lakewood Observer provides excellent 20/20 vision looking back over our 20+ years it can also help us with the future of this vibrant community. It underlines not just historical facts, but trends, and the layers of residents, that much like the layers of shale under our feet, is what this city was built on.

Sure this issue has news, events, photos, action, and info on schools, city hall, and your neighborhood, but it also is the latest installment in Lakewood’s historical archives.

Wonder how we got where we are? Just grab an old copy of the Observer and look through it. What really happened to the hospital?  Check our records and learn the sad truth. How did Lakewood end up calling Bunts to Arthur “DowntowN”? Look through our archives. How did the Solstice Steps come to be? It is there. How did we overspend millions on buildings that we are told are no longer needed? Look through the archives, it is all explained there, story after story, issue after issue. How did the Observer come to be? LakewoodAlive? Concerts at the Library? History of Art Walks? Spooky Pooch Parade? It is in our archives.

Prefer looking forward instead of backwards? Perfect. Help us move forward by joining the Lakewood Observer, and help us record, photograph, and document all the groups and events helping Lakewood into the future. Trust me, it costs nothing, is fun, and will provide you and others with a better understanding of the great city and community we live and work in.

You can pick up this issue at over 100 business locations around town, OR
download the digital version here:
