LO_20_23, On The Street And Online Let's Light Up Lakewood!

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Jim O'Bryan
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Joined: Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:12 pm
Location: Lakewood

LO_20_23, On The Street And Online Let's Light Up Lakewood!

Postby Jim O'Bryan » Wed Dec 04, 2024 7:49 pm


Let’s all Light up Lakewood! Not just by going to LakewoodAlive’s legendary holiday season kick-off party this weekend. But let's light up our homes, and we will give out some prizes in the 17th Lakewood Observer Holiday Decoration Contest. And, light up the local stores, with plenty of small business sales and dinners at local restaurants. It's a great time of year to be in Lakewood, the one of Ohio's most walk-able cities.

In this issue, at the close of our 20th year, as Ohio’s oldest citizen journalism project, and one of the most successful with over 7,500 citizen journalist joining with us in recording, reporting and cataloging life in Lakewood.

You can pick up this issue at over 100 locations around town, and/or download the digital version here.

See you in two weeks for our end of the year edition.


Jim O'Bryan
Lakewood Resident

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