Lakewood Dish Dash

Cooking secrets, tips, recipes and discussions featuring The Lakewood Observer's head chef, Chef Geoff (Jeff Endress), conversations about food, and restaurants.

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Lakewood Dish Dash

Postby mjkuhns » Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:08 am

Yesterday I spotted a card promoting something called "Lakewood Dish Dash."

Apparently, its creator-owners lead tours through six or seven places to eat in Lakewood. At each stop, groups sample some of the fare, and chat with restaurateurs or chefs.

This was the first I have heard of this, and I don't see anything in search results here, so I thought I would post.

Has anyone else heard of this, or tried it? (Also, will a post in one of the neglected forums be seen by anyone? …let's find out!)

:: matt kuhns ::

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