Raise the Roof - LHS Alumni Party! - June 4th

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Jim O'Bryan
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Raise the Roof - LHS Alumni Party! - June 4th

Postby Jim O'Bryan » Fri May 20, 2005 2:09 pm

Raise the Roof Schedule - June 4th

Continental Breakfast: 9am - 11am
Kiwanis Pavilion in Lakewood Park
Free coffee, pastries, etc!

Auto Road Rally: 9am - 2pm
Itís a magical mystery tour through town!
Prizes awarded!
Register your auto: 9am - 9:30am at the
Kiwanis Pavilion
Entry fee: $20 per car for Alumni
$25 per car for non-alumni
Youíll need a driver & navigator, your
driverís license, and proof of insurance.

Raise the Roof Parade: 4pm
This hometown parade steps off from
Grant Elementary School (1470 Victoria)
Parade route: Victoria to Hilliard to
Madison to Woodward/Harding Field.

Raise the Roof Block Party:
Post-parade until 9pm
Follow the parade to Harding Field.
Live entertainment, food concessions,
childrenís activities, Memory Lane, and
more! Bring a blanket or lawn chair and
enjoy the show!
Presented by
First Federal of Lakewood
Block Party Details:
Information Alley: 4pm-8pm
Exciting economic development projects are
happening throughout Lakewood! Visit these
information booths hosted by the Lakewood
YMCA, Lakewood Library, Lakewood City
Schools, Lakewood Hospital, and Rysar
Properties to see whatís on the horizon for our community!

Memory Lane: 4pm-8pm
Did you know that the Alumni Office holds the
archives for the Lakewood City Schools? This
tented area will have displays of memoribilia
and photographs from our archives. Be sure to
stop in and pick up a ëProud Graduateí sticker to
wear for the day!

A celebration to benefit the
Lakewood Public Schools Alumni Foundation
Friday, June 3, 2005 at 7:00 pm
The Armory at The Beck Center
Stage Entertainment: 5pm - 9pm
Scheduled performances include:
*All-elementary school choir
*Harding Jazz Band
*LHS Jazz Band
*All-elementary fifth grade band
*Emerson Show Choir
*Alumni Marching Band
*Garfield & Madison Choirs
*Emerson Jazz Band
*McKinley 4/5 Choir & Lunch Bunch
*Horace Mann Jazz Band
*Emerson Percussion Ensemble
*Vive LíFour - the LHS Barbershop Quartet
*The Lakewood Project (LHS Rock
Orchestra) joined by members of the
LHS Barnstormer Drama Group on selections
from Seussical the Musical.

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