Up-Coming Meeting this Wednesday!

A forum where parents and interested members of the community can bring any and all concerns about Lakewood Public Schools. This is the public discussion from the PALS member only section.

Moderators: Jim DeVito, Mona Ewing, Betsy Voinovich

Kristine Pagsuyoin
Posts: 339
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2008 9:28 am

Up-Coming Meeting this Wednesday!

Postby Kristine Pagsuyoin » Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:14 pm



You are invited to attend a conversation
involving the Lakewood Public Schools
Wednesday, April 8
Lakewood Public Library
Main Auditorium

Please come and learn about
a new network to help parents
advocate for students of
Lakewood Public Schools.


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Postby marklingm » Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:44 am

Kristine Pagsuyoin wrote:DO YOU WANT YOUR VOICE TO BE HEARD?

Unfortunately, I have a prior commitment that may prevent me from attending this meeting.

In the event that I am unable to attend, I would comment that there are many ways that parents can have their voices heard – e.g., speak directly with your teachers, staff members, building administrators, central office personnel, superintendent, and/or school board members.

Many citizens attend school board meetings and share comments, questions, and concerns with the School Board and Administration. While one parent did ask me a serious of questions prior to last night's meeting, there were not any public comments at that meeting. If the answer is not known at any particular meeting, the Administration is charged with providing the appropriate response to the citizen in a timely and appropriate fashion.

Many citizens send communication to the School Board and Administration asking that a particular document(s) be read in open session. We had such a letter read at last night’s school board meeting, and the Administration was charged with providing the appropriate response to the parent and School Board in a timely and appropriate fashion.

Many citizens call or e-mail school board members directly. Our e-mail addresses and telephone numbers are listed on our respective pages on the Lakewood City Schools website. For example, my information can be viewed by clicking here.

Many citizens post inquires on the Lakewood Observation Deck. I try to respond to the best of my ability, and when appropriate.

Many citizens sit down and discuss school related concerns with school board members over coffee or while at various community events.

In sum, if you want your voice to be heard, it will be.

Betsy Voinovich
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Postby Betsy Voinovich » Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:00 pm

Hi Matt,

Thanks for posting the many ways people can interact with the Lakewood school district.

What PALS brings to the party is different. It's a forum, where parents can
interact with each other, share stories, issues, questions, problems, and figure out what to do, which might be to pursue one of the avenues you've listed.

We've seen that many times parents are unsure of what action to pursue and many have found it helpful to get in touch with parents who have had the same type of experience.

With issues ranging from difficulties understanding report cards, high class sizes in various elementary schools, district contracts with no money attached to them, changes to the 5th grade health curriculum and Kindergarten teachers being moved on short notice, PALS has given parents a chance to compare stories and figure out what action should be taken.

Tomorrow's meeting will break into groups concerned about people's experiences with Special Education in Lakewood and what to do as a community about the high rate of teen suicide attempts in Lakewood, among other things. These are issues that require thoughtful discussion and input from a wide range of people. We're not saying that we will
reach conclusions tomorrow night, just that we will connect people that care about the same things and want to work together toward a positive outcome.

As you know, PALS provides the district protocol to parents which explains in easy steps how to approach individual teachers, principals, the administration and the board itself. A lot of parents didn't know that this protocol existed, and it has proven very effective. The current School Board has been very cooperative and open with us in terms of helping us figure out how to help parents and concerned members of the community.

We appreciate your paying attention and we appreciate your help.

Thanks for posting and giving me an opportunity to describe PALS in a little more detail.

Betsy Voinovich

PALS member
Lakewood parent

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Postby marklingm » Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:29 pm


School Board Member John Kamkutis enjoyed visiting with you tonight. Thanks for the invitation.


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