Huzzah! Vintage Base Ball Comes to Lakewood

Visitors to Lakewood Park on Sunday, July 10th stepped back in time and enjoyed an exciting game of 1860s base ball. The Lakewood Historical Society sponsored the game between the Lorain County Buckeyes and the Amherst Sandstone Masons. Enthusiastic volunteers donned old-style uniform and recreated the game based on rules and research of the early years of base ball (yes, it was two words originally).
Although various forms of ball games were played in America before the Revolutionary War, in 1842 the New York Knickerbockers were the first team to officially adopt rules. The 19th-century game was considerably different that today's game. Most "ballists" had minimal gear - no gloves and just a thin bat. Until 1865, fair and foul balls caught on one bounce were outs. Foul balls were determined by where they first hit the ground, regardless of where they rolled afterwards. The ball was thrown underhand in a shallow arc to the "stiker" (batter). The team with the most "aces" (runs) at the end of a match was declared the winner. Considered a gentleman's game, rules governed players' behavior and uncivil language, spitting and wagering were not allowed.
Spectators also enjoyed peanuts, popcorn and old-fashioned soda pop, provided by the Lakewood Historical Society. The Society promotes the heritage of our community through special events and tours of the Oldest Stone House museum.
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Volume 1, Issue 3, Posted 08.52 AM / 15th November 2005.