Everywhere a sign

Madison Avenue Merchants' Association

Moderators: Jim DeVito, MAMA

Glenn Palmer
Posts: 124
Joined: Sat Apr 22, 2006 8:50 am
Location: Lakewood

Everywhere a sign

Postby Glenn Palmer » Wed Jul 18, 2007 8:08 pm

With the Car culture show approaching I believe now is the time to start talking and planning. First shouldn't the signs be priority one, if there is some mishap with the production we could still recover in time. I know that time is something that none of has in excess could we start the discussion here and now so we could start to plan. I am trying to recruit as many as possible to participate, lets talk it up now and not wait until or back are against the wall. My ideal goal would be that all members recruit 1 new member and this could really be something. I have spoken with DL and she said that anyone wanting join this discussion board should e-mail her with the subject line containing MAMA to dl@lakewoodobserver.com and she will ad them.

Thanks for listening

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